Promotional strategy sums up all the promotion elements in one: advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. McDonalds focuses on advertising to their target market by focusing on the overall marketing objectives. McDonalds uses mass communication to communicate with their audience. That is ideally the most efficient way for McDonalds
to reach their large audience. By providing us with commercials and outside advertising we are fully aware of McDonalds and the message they are sending. The internet has made a huge impact on the marketing environment. You could simply search McDonalds and their website will come up with everything you need to know about McDonalds including their menu. They show the exact dates of when something new came to the menu. They even have a separate menu for the new MCcafe.

Blogs have been a huge impact as well. “Noncorporate blogs are independent and not associated with the marketing efforts of particular brand or company.” For example there is a blog called mcchronicles.blogspot.com and it is simply about McDonalds and not associated with them. “Mcchronicles” simply speaks about McDonalds as a whole and their experience. Also other followers can comment on the blog. I just followed “mcchronicles” and it is quite interesting. I learned some things I never knew about McDonalds and it caught me by surprise. They also have a lot of their own personalized stories that are fun to read. I recommend looking into it and seeing how well it sums up McDonalds.
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